V-v-vinny and the Jets!
Yes, the New York Jets won this weekend and they scored more than 10 points. Was it an act of God? No. Just a 41-year old native of Long Island with a few miles left in the tank. What Vinny came out and did this week deserves more coverage than the blurbs that have been in the papers. 2 weeks ago, this guy was sitting on his couch watching Dead-Arm Pennington and Jay Fiedler getting take out on consecutive series. Two weeks later, he was thrown into the fire of the NFL once again.
Now, I'm going to be realistic. He lead two scoring plays and the real story of the game was the phenomenal play of the defense. He ended up with 163 yards and an INT. Those are mediocre at best numbers, BUT at least the ball found the endzone. Every game will be this ugly and every win will probably be uglier, but the standings don't show the score of the game so I'll take it.
We still will not make the playoffs.
Cinderella story cries are being shouted from papers and Sportscenter, Chris Berman made some elaborate connection with Vinny and some other guy that involved the Super Bowl blah blah etc. etc. STOPPIT! This is a soon to be 42 year old veteran who entered the league 19 years ago, the Jets are NOT going to the playoffs. No, it's much worse than that. The Jets are going to go 8-8 and get a crappy draft pick and no playoff run. Thats the way it goes in the NFL, the best make the playoffs and the worst make the draft. The borderliners get the boot.
The D played a great, at times sloppy game, with an INT from Ty Law, 3 sacks and 2 more INTs that were nullified by penalties. If anything wins us games this season it will be Abe, Ellis, DeWayne, Barrett, Reed and the Law.
If anyone happened to see this rather offensive cartoon on the Bucs official NFL web site, ridiculing the Jets QB situation, in which Herm has both Bollinger and Vinny sitting in his office and he proceeds to play a humiliating game of "eenie-meenie-miney-mo" to choose which QB will be "victimized" by the Tampa D. It ends on Bollinger, WRONG, and he screams. I have checked back and the cartoon has mysteriously disappeared, much like the prestige of the Bucs D over the past few years.
In other news,
The New York Yankees are out of the playoffs.
Moose choked, once again, in a big game for the Yankees. Before the game George Steinbrenner had said that this game was in one person's hands--The Manager. Thats right Joe, you may have just shown yourself the door. You've had a hell of a run and you're respected by all, but it seems the Boss is ready for another Billy Martin spastic-type manager in the form of Sweet Lou Piniella. Tonight may have been the end of a Yankee era, and further proof that the Yankee Dynasty is tired and over.
My aching heart is soothed, knowing that the chants of 2-000 live on at least until next year. 5 years Yankee fans, 5 years since you won it all. And for Red Sox fans? 1 year.
Ah, its good to have the upper hand.
Oh and I want to start the "Don't Trade Manny" rally call. Where the hell else are we going to find 144 RBIs and 45 HR per year?
Tommorow I'll start the "Keep the Blob Off the Bench" rally call, to get David Wells in shape.
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