Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Say Goodnight, Harold

Well, Baseball Tonight now no longer has Peter Gammons or Harold Reynolds. I am now forced to watch the heart attack in waiting John Kruk, washed up GM Steve Phillips and Mr. Neutral Karl Ravech. Unbelievable. Harold Reynolds may not have provided much deep insight, but nonetheless, he was a veteran of the show for 10 years and he was a hell of alot better than John Kruk.

There are rumors of sexual harassment in Bristol and there are also rumors of Harold blowing up at the producers and Fat Kruk about the whole recent A-Rod bashing. While neither would surprise me, I hope he went out screaming at Kruk. I watched on Sunday night as HR and Fat Kruk argued about A-Rod, by the end of the spat, Kruk was purple in the face from exerting himself and I thought they would have to take him off on a stretcher. I guarantee that once they went to commercial they had the grip guys running in with towels and water to revive the Fat Ass.

My theory on HaroldGate? He wasn't fired. Steve Phillips traded Harold and a key grip to be named later to Fox Sports for Tim McCarver's hairpiece, some whooshing helmet/robot graphics, and Scooter the talking curveball circa 2003 playoffs (maybe he even exists still, I don't know because I avoid Buck-McCarver at all costs).

Tonight we will hear from Steve about this steal of a deal, how Scooter can really straighten things out working with Jeff Brantley, and all he really needed was a change of scenery.

Other theories...
-In the anchors clubhouse the other day he wrote, "this is a sinking ship" but backed down when Karl Ravech challanged him to a fight.
-ESPN doesn't care about black people
-Harold adopted a child last weekend and Kruk and Ravech didn't give him a proper fuss. Too bad, BBTN will never be able to make a run for that wild card spot now.

The one person who is popping the champagne bottles right now?

Pedro Gomez. Maybe this is his ticket out of the Barry Bonds hell he has been banished to the past 3 or 4 years. Cut the guy a break, who wants to look back on their career and say "Yeah, I followed the biggest asshole in sports around my entire career. Thankfully I only got spat on 14 times and kicked in the stomach 12 times. Those were some good times."

So long Harold, and so long Baseball Tonight.